¡Qué Pasa!

November 14, 2024

In This Edition

  • Barnes and Noble Day | This weekend! 
  • Thanksgiving Break

  • End of Fall After-School Activities

  • Sports

  • Games Club

  • Yearbooks

  • Lunch Information

  • SCIP Corner

  • School Store

  • Quick Links

Barnes and Noble Day

NDPA families and friends come to Barnes & Noble in Layton, to hear the choir sing, make crafts, play games and purchase gifts for the holidays! If items are purchased using a NDPA code, a percentage is donated back to NDPA, to purchase books for the school.


"I am Thankful for..."Contest! 

Write a one-page paper or create a picture about what you are most thankful for, and why. 

-Artwork can be any medium (photography, paint, crayon, pencil etc.), but no larger than 10×14, no exceptions.

-Essays can be up to one page in length (typed or handwritten) in English or Español.

-Write student information ON THE BACK (as they may be displayed publicly). Include first and last name, homeroom/advisory teacher.

-Turn entries in at the B&N box at the POET desk in either building. Late entries will not be accepted.

-Entries will be judged on originality, creativity and following the guidelines.

-Winners per grade, per category (K-9) will receive a gift card.

-Essays and Art will be displayed at  Barnes and Noble day, November 16

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Thanksgiving Break

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End of Fall After-School Activities

As we wrap up our fall after-school programs, we’d like to remind you that this week will be the final week for Art, STEM, and Dance. The last Choir sessions will continue to be held on Wednesday’s, until their recital on December 19.

Thank you for supporting our after-school activities! We hope your children have enjoyed the programs, and we look forward to more exciting activities in the future.


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Games Club

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Yearbooks are on sale now! You can scan the QR code below or click on the link in the “Quick Link” sections

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Lunch Information

Please make sure to check your student’s lunch balance in ASPIRE. If you are using the online payment system, allow up to 10 days for processing, so please don’t wait until your child has a negative balance to make payments.

Thank you for allowing us to serve your students here in the Lion’s Den Cafe, and for helping to keep account balances positive.


If you use the online payment system, please note that it can take up to 10 business days for the funds to transfer into your student's ASPIRE account. The balance displayed in your online account may not be accurate. To check your student's balance, please refer to their ASPIRE account.  

Even if the funds are withdrawn from your account at the time of payment, they may not transfer directly into the ASPIRE account. If your child's balance is negative, you can make a payment directly to the school via check or cash. If you choose to use the online system, please note that negative balance notifications will continue until the funds clear, and your student will still be informed of a negative balance.  

Additionally, there is a fee for credit card payments made through the system.

Information on how to make payments in your student’s lunch account.


Our cafeteria uses the SIP system for online payments. The system does not reflect updated account balances, it is just a portal to make payments.

There is a credit/debit card fee for using this service. There is a 0.49¢ fee if you select payment by an e-check which will require your routing number and bank account.

The ASPIRE account is the correct account.
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Aspire Portal

In Aspire you will be able to:

  • See Daily balance.

  • See meals charged.

  • See payments on account.

Check and cash payments will be credited to your account within 1-2 school day after being paid.

Online payments can take up to 8 School days to show in the account.

We recommend using the SIP system when/if your student does not have a negative balance. Due to the waiting period that it takes for the payments to clear and be posted to your account, if you use this method, you will continue to receive automatic messages, and in some cases phone calls until the balance is no longer negative.

If after 8 School days you do not see your online payment posted to your account, please contact Mrs. Hamblin. chamblin@northdavisprep.org.

If after 2 School days you do not see your check or cash payment posted to your account, please contact Mrs. Foxley lfoxley@northdavisprep.org.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


Información para realizar pagos en la cuenta de almuerzo de su estudiante.

Nuestra Cafetería utiliza el sistema SIP para realizar pagos en línea. No refleja saldos de cuentas actuales, es más bien solo un portal para realizar pagos. Hay un cargo por hacer pagos usando tarjeta de débito/crédito. Y un cargo de 0.49¢ si realiza un pago con cheque electrónico el cual requerirá su número de ruta del banco y cuenta bancaria.

La cuenta ASPIRE es la cuenta correcta

En Aspire podrá:- Ver su Saldo diario.- Ver comidas cobradas.- Ver pagos hechos en su cuenta.

Los pagos con cheque y en efectivo se acreditarán en la cuenta entre 1 y 2 días escolares después de haber sido pagados.

Los pagos en línea pueden tardar hasta 8 días escolares en aparecer en la cuenta.

Recomendamos usar el sistema SIP para hacer pagos cuando su estudiante no tiene un balance negativo. Debido al tiempo que se tardan los pagos en publicar a su cuenta, seguirán recibiendo mensajes automáticos y, en algunos casos, llamadas telefónicas hasta que el saldo deje de ser negativo.

Si después de 8 días escolares no ve su pago, comuníquese con la Sra. Hamblin. chamblin@northdavisprep.org.

Si después de 2 días escolares no ve su cheque o pago en efectivo, comuníquese con la Sra. Foxley. lfoxley@northdavisprep.org.

Esta institución es un proveedor de igualdad de oportunidades.

SCIP Corner

SCIP Moment: School Improvement Plan 

In year 3 our focus of the 5-year School Improvement Plan is predominantly goal three which reads: 

"NDPA will implement a cohesive curriculum selection and review process for all academic areas including a rubric to measure alignment to standards and best practices."

 Year 3 Focus: 

  • Implement school wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports system. 
  • New LA curriculum implementation 
  • Curriculum fidelity, including teacher development (pedagogy). 

SCIP 5 Year Plan

NDPA School Store

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Quick Links: