School LAND Trust

In the state of Utah, monies from school trust lands are distributed to every public school through the School LAND Trust Program. North Davis Preparatory Academy has a School LAND Trust Committee whose responsibilities include creating and approving the School LAND Trust Plan each year which identifies an academic need and a proposed solution using the annual funds. The committee is an advisory body that may be comprised of parents, teachers, and administrators. 

All School LAND Trust Committee actions and plans are overseen and approved by the Governing Board of Directors. 

School LAND Trust Committee members are willing volunteers who care about the success of students and overall school improvement and North Davis Preparatory Academy is grateful for their time and dedication. More information is available on the School LAND Trust Website.  If you are interested in serving on the School LAND Trust Committee, please inquire at the office or attend our next meeting.  Membership is open each year and elected at the September/October meeting for the current year.  

Committee Meetings & Schedule

The School LAND Trust Committee meetings are open to the public. Agendas will be posted seven days in advance here. The council will utilize their adopted LAND Trust Council Rules of Order & Procedure for their meetings. Please visit the School LAND Trust website for current and past plans for North Davis Preparatory Academy and additional information. Below are proposed meeting dates for the current year as well as the minutes for the previous year.


  • Next Meeting September 23, 2024


  • Council Chair - Open Meeting and conduct roll call
  • Council Secretary -Review Past Minutes and approve as needed
  • Karyn - Council Business - training confirmation
  • Admin (Ryan) - share current expenditure and share 2024-25 SLT plan
  • Open comments if needed
  • Council Chair - call vote on SY2024-25 plan
  • Council Chair - Hold elections for positions as needed, Ok for each to remain in the same roles but they should be nominated and voted
  • Move to close
  • Minutes and members will be updated on the website after 23DEP




School LAND Trust Committee Members

To contact committee members, please email The School LAND Trust Committee meetings are open to the public. If you are interested in becoming a member of the committee, please send an email to


Visit the School LAND Trust website for the Current School Plan and additional information.

Recent and current plans:

For the 2023-2024 school year, NDPA funds (estimated $138,000) will be allocated for the purchase of computer hardware, instruments, furniture, and supporting staff salaries. Established goals include:

  1. Through more consistent access to technology, NDPA students will be able to work on skill enhancement, skill practice, assessment review, and curriculum research. To help prepare students for high academic achievement, bi-literate proficiency, and a love of learning, NDPA, in providing more access to technology expect to increase student proficiency on RISE scores in Language Arts, Math, and Science by a minimum of 1%.

Teacher Student Success Act


The Teacher and Student Success Act is designed to improve the school’s performance under the state’s accountability system.  The school’s Principal will develop an annual Plan in accordance with this framework and submit the Plan to the Board for approval. The Plan will be developed by integrating school-specific goals and criteria for improving the school’s performance within the state accountability system. 

Based on the budget allocated, the will be spent as follows:

  • 25% of the TSSA funds will be used to increase staff wages.
  • 75% of the TSSA funds will be used for training, supplies, and materials that teachers need to effectively teach targeted interventions and tiered instruction.  

Funding will be used to support these goals based on school needs:

  1. Students at NDPA in grades K-9 will increase language arts scores by 2 percentage points as compared to the previous years' proficiency scores.
  2. Students at NDPA in grades K-9 will increase math scores by 1 percentage point as compared to the previous years' proficiency scores.