
An International
Spanish Academy

We offer Spanish language and cultural education.

The International Spanish Academy (ISA) designation requires a relationship with the Spain Ministry of Education. There are specific standards we have to meet to keep that designation, including what we teach about Spain. 

NDPA has the largest dual language immersion in the state of Utah for Grades K-9.

How we amplify DI instruction.

NDPA offers a Spanish Immersion program. Students who are NOT in the immersion program still spend enough time with foreign guest teachers to get ample exposure; this is unique to our school—no other DLI program does it this way.

In the state, a typical DLI school—whether Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, whatever—will have a 1st grade class in that target language, then other kids are at that school but not really participating in the language. Like a school within a school. So they’ll have one Chinese teacher in each grade, and kids will stay in that cohort through each grade until they graduate.

NDPA has expended that to have 2 classrooms in every grade with that experience. And we rotate so EVERY student has SOME exposure of teaching from that foreign guest teacher. So EVERYONE gets exposed to it, whereas some are in the full immersion program. Difference in other schools is the kids do not get ANY exposure to the foreign teacher, in our classes EVERY student has exposure to them. So immersion students go to the foreign teacher half the day and English teacher half the day. Exposure student gets English teacher half the day and Spanish in a different variety—Spanish with English. Immersion students get Spanish half the day, but when with they are with their Spanish teacher, it is Spanish entirely—no English.

Higher expectation beyond language, and we do that well.

Teachers like working at NDPA because they really enjoy the culture. Instead of celebrating Christmas, we do 3 Kings Day, fiestas to celebrate their culture, Fiesta Grande to celebrate running of the schools, and Noche Bieja at the end of school year. All of our events are very Spanish-centered.

Foreign Guest Teachers

Our foreign guest teachers are not only from Spain—they are from other Spanish speaking countries!

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Spain Study Abroad

Our students are so confident in their Spanish abilities that we send students in 6th grade and 9th grade to Spain. This trip is a culminating experience in language and culture for both Middle School and High School students.

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Vision & Values

Our Vision

North Davis Preparatory Academy students develop a love of learning, experience high academic achievement, and enjoy high bi-literate proficiency.

Our Core Values

  • We prepare the child for the path, not the path for the child.
  • We nurture curiosity, self-discipline, and the courage to act on our own thoughts and dreams.
  • All interactions between students, teachers, staff, and parents are based on honesty, trust, and respect.
  • We are a community that embraces differences in our languages, cultures, religions, and abilities.

Our End Statement

  • All students will produce exceptional work.
  • All students will utilize autonomous learning skills taking responsibility for their own learning.
  • All students will demonstrate personal and social responsibility.
  • All students will fluently communicate in the Spanish language with a native speaker.