¡Qué Pasa!

August 16, 2024

In This Edition

  • Sports | Open Gym & Tryout Information

  • 2024/25 Spirit Shirts

  • Fall Fiesta

  • Lunch Information

  • School Store

  • Quick Links | UPDATED Yearbook Links!


Girls Volleyball (6th-9th Grades)

The girls’ volleyball coaches will be hosting an open gym this Friday. The purpose of this open gym is to introduce the basics to students who are interested in trying out but have not played before or would like to be reintroduced to the sport. 

Volleyball practice is to be held after school this year, and not in the morning. Please see the below information for Tryouts.

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Co-ed Cross Country (5th-9th Grades)

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Co-ed Flag Football (7th-9th Grades)

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Boys Soccer (6th-9th Grades)

For any questions about Boys Soccer, please e-mail vferrer@northdavisprep.org

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2024/25 Spirit Shirts

Spirit Shirts to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of NDPA!  These shirts can be worn on Fridays.  Last day to order is August 24. Ordering t-shirts is a 2-step process:

1.   Fill out this form: Spirit Shirt Order Form
2.  Make payment. Venmo is the preferred method, details at the end of the order form. If you do not have Venmo, you can put cash/check in the POET boxes at the school. Credit card payments will be taken on BTS Night, August 8, and on August 23 from 1-2 PM at the elementary school.
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Fall Fiesta

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Lunch Information

Information on how to make payments in your student’s lunch account.


Our cafeteria uses the SIP system for online payments. The system does not reflect updated account balances, it is just a portal to make payments.

There is a credit/debit card fee for using this service. There is a 0.49¢ fee if you select payment by an e-check which will require your routing number and bank account.

The ASPIRE account is the correct account.
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Aspire Portal

In Aspire you will be able to:

  • See Daily balance.

  • See meals charged.

  • See payments on account.

Check and cash payments will be credited to your account within 1-2 school day after being paid.

Online payments can take up to 8 School days to show in the account.

We recommend using the SIP system when/if your student does not have a negative balance. Due to the waiting period that it takes for the payments to clear and be posted to your account, if you use this method, you will continue to receive automatic messages, and in some cases phone calls until the balance is no longer negative.

If after 8 School days you do not see your online payment posted to your account, please contact Mrs. Hamblin. chamblin@northdavisprep.org.

If after 2 School days you do not see your check or cash payment posted to your account, please contact Mrs. Foxley lfoxley@northdavisprep.org.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


Información para realizar pagos en la cuenta de almuerzo de su estudiante.

Nuestra Cafetería utiliza el sistema SIP para realizar pagos en línea. No refleja saldos de cuentas actuales, es más bien solo un portal para realizar pagos. Hay un cargo por hacer pagos usando tarjeta de débito/crédito. Y un cargo de 0.49¢ si realiza un pago con cheque electrónico el cual requerirá su número de ruta del banco y cuenta bancaria.

La cuenta ASPIRE es la cuenta correcta

En Aspire podrá:- Ver su Saldo diario.- Ver comidas cobradas.- Ver pagos hechos en su cuenta.

Los pagos con cheque y en efectivo se acreditarán en la cuenta entre 1 y 2 días escolares después de haber sido pagados.

Los pagos en línea pueden tardar hasta 8 días escolares en aparecer en la cuenta.

Recomendamos usar el sistema SIP para hacer pagos cuando su estudiante no tiene un balance negativo. Debido al tiempo que se tardan los pagos en publicar a su cuenta, seguirán recibiendo mensajes automáticos y, en algunos casos, llamadas telefónicas hasta que el saldo deje de ser negativo.

Si después de 8 días escolares no ve su pago, comuníquese con la Sra. Hamblin. chamblin@northdavisprep.org.

Si después de 2 días escolares no ve su cheque o pago en efectivo, comuníquese con la Sra. Foxley. lfoxley@northdavisprep.org.

Esta institución es un proveedor de igualdad de oportunidades.

NDPA School Store

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Quick Links: